Holiday Retail Safety / Security Tips

The holidays are supposed to bring out the best in people but for some it brings out their diabolical exploitative side. They prey on individuals who are caught up in what they are doing and businesses that are usually too busy engaging customers to worry about anything but servicing customers. In my fifteen years of working as plain clothes security for a major retailer I will share some of the most common means people are victimized and ways to make yourself less of a target.

Holiday Retail Safety & Car Security

Thieves usually don’t want to be seen too much and usually try to avoid areas where there are cameras. They will bust your window out in seconds and take your valuables.

  1. Park in well-lit areas close to the door or close to people. You should really avoid parking behind shopping centers where there is minimal traffic.
  2. Leave valuables that you can do without at home and hide or secure the ones you don’t want stolen. Guns should be stored in a lock box that’s cabled or bolted to car. Cars are the number one place thieves source guns. Packages and shopping bags should be stored in the trunk or covered. It’s better to make a couple trips home to drop off bags then let the grinch take your family’s Christmas.

Holiday Personal Security

Thieves will target wallets, purses, and shopping bags. I have literally seen people sit their shopping bags or purse down only to have an opportunist swoop in and take their bags or purse under their nose.

  1. Men should be cognizant of their wallets and have them where they would feel any movement.
  2. Women should never sit their purse in a shopping basket / Cart but hold onto them at all times.
  3. Don’t carry around a lot of bags. Carry them home.
  4. Shop with a buddy or spouse.
  5. Avoid Confrontation with people because you never know how far they will take it. People will be ruthless with stealing parking spots and products that are limited in quantities.
  6. Carry name brand Pepper spray like Fox labs or Sabre. I would so much rather be tasered then pepper sprayed any day. There is a 10 second delay but after that it’s like your face is melting. I got sprayed in a military police unit and it was far worse than the CS gas chamber. I would also recommend a Munio kubaton keychain impact weapon. I like the Munio because it doesn’t really look like a weapon. I have been in and out of court houses through security and they never give it the time of day.

Credit / Debit Security / ATM

  1. Try to obtain your funds from ATM’s during daylight hours but if you must then please be aware of your surroundings.
  2. Look for potential Skimmer devices disguised as a legitimate part of atm or credit card machine. These are devices created to steal your credit card information.
  3. Be on the lookout for cashiers trying to take a picture of your card or using a external skimmer.
  4. Keep your Bank card / credit card company’s phone number stored in phone so if you lose your card, you can call and immediately shut it down.
  5. If you purchase a gift card, please make sure the card you see activated is the one you get because I have seen employees get a job during the holidays just to pull this swap.
  6. Utilize Security wallets that block the use of devices that can steal card info.

Holiday Safety / Security Tips for Retail Workers

  1. Report individuals who may be involved in stalking. In my experience I have seen countless stalkers when it comes to retail workers. I have had female workers followed to the grocery store from their place of employment and even had them show up on their doorsteps. Once it becomes apparent, please notify management or security so they may take steps to address the issue.
  2. When Employees exit at the end of their shift then it’s imperative that employees exit in groups or two or more or have someone watch out for you as you make it to your car.
  3. Do not try and stop shoplifters unless your qualified and been granted authority to do so. If you get hurt the employer will fight it if it’s found, you’re in violation of policy.
  4. Do not drop deposits at night. It only takes one person telling someone with criminal mindset. Leave them in the safe till morning or have armored car pickup.
  5. Be aware of individuals making large purchases of fragrance, electronics, gift cards (high amounts), and or designer items. These types of purchases will defiantly appear unusual compared to the normal shopper. Usually, credit card fraudsters will try to use cards that are embossed but with no magnetic coding. They will want you to hand key the number and sometimes they may not have a card present at all. Sometimes they will be opening a store credit card with you and if they have to read their social security number off a piece of paper or out of a phone. You should have a code word pre organized with management or security to let them know you have a transaction that will need further scrutiny. It’s a good policy to always check Identification. Credit card fraudsters travel the United States buying product. My experience is they will always have a outstate ID and almost always they will have it in a wallet plastic window to conceal the poor quality.
  6. Another thing to lookout for is travelers’ checks. In my vast experience in retail, I have never seen these used legitimately. They have been one hundred percent counterfeit every time.

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